
My weblog. This is not the place for longer form writing, but instead will function more as a link blog for myself as either a way to highlight fun posts that I have seen elsewhere or my own little twitter. Enjoy!


  • Link: Re: Do people IRL know you have a blog?

    Another blog post that I came across through it’s Hacker News thread. The author talks about how almost no one in their life knows that they have a blog, nor would care. Putting aside the way that the author seems to degrade his wife in the story, it is interesting. While there is almost no content on this site, I do sometimes wonder what would happen if I put it out there and peope started reading it once there is more content on here.

  • Link: Reasons you aren't updating your personal site

    A fun little post I came across via it’s Hacker News Thread that describes a few reasons why the author wasn’t regularly updating their personal site and what can be done about it. An interesting read as I am trying to figure out how to use my site more.

  • Touch ID As Security key for Github

    After work required MFA to keep using our Github accounts, I found a cool blog post about using your MacBook’s Touch ID as a Security Key for Github. Posting for future reference. Caution: this only works on a macbook when using the Safari browser, does not work with Arc and the like.

  • Getting Nodejs to work with ipv4

    This change has ruined my life the last few days. I’ve been trying to figure out why I was suddenly getting eConReset errors working on an internal application. Apparently in Node17, it was decided to change the default dns result order from always being ipv4 to following the host machines preferences, which is ipv6 on most machines.

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